ArthSwap — Wallet 101

4 min readJan 31, 2022

One-stop service on Astar Network


  • The only option to get ARSW is to provide liquidity on ArthSwap Dex on Astar Network.
  • Sending ASTR from Exchange to Polkadot.js, Native Address, is recommended not directly to MetaMask
  • Adding Custom RPC for Astar Network to provide liquidity on ArthSwap
  • $ARSW which is LP token reward on ArthSwap will be visible in February and transferable in March.
  • Try sending small amount to test first

How to get $ARSW? 📢

Currently, ARSW is not listed on any exchanges, the only option here is to provide liquidity on ArthSwap, the native dApp on Astar Network.

cBridge interface

Astar Network has its own native token, ASTR. Then, how can I get ASTR? There are 2 options — Exchange (e.g. Huobi, Kucoin, and Bridge from other networks using cBridge (e.g. Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Shiden and more..)

Let’s get started ⁉

Polkadot.js interface
  1. To create a wallet, visit then click Extension, download
  2. Write down a mnemonic seed phrase on paper, do not screenshot or save photos on a digital copy
  3. Create the wallet, Choose Allow to use on Any Chain (or Astar)
  4. Choose Name and Password
Astar Porta;

6. Head to , connect your Polkadot.js wallet to Astar Portal

7. There, you will be able to see Two Types of Wallet Addresses which are Native and EVM

8. Copy Native address

Congrats 🎉 Now, you have the address that will be the destination to send ASTR from Exchange.

*Please do not send ASTR from Exchange to MetaMask directly, your fund could be lost ⛔

From Exchange to Astar Portal ✨

At the time of writing, the Exchanges which supports ASTR are Huobi, OKx,, and Kucoin ( more can be checked later on CMC and coingecko )

Kucoin Exchange
  1. After you got Native Address on Astar Portal, paste the address on Wallet Address.

2. Choose Astar Network and Amount

3. Sent. Done!

4. Your sent fund will be visible on the Transferable amount on Astar Portal

MetaMask, Astar Network 🦊

In order to provide liquidity on ArthSwap, you will need to send ASTR from Astar Portal to MetaMask which added Astar Network.

Start downloading Fox Extension, then add Custom RPC as follow

Network: Astar
Chain ID: 592
Symbol: ASTR

Portal to MetaMask 🌉

  1. On , choose Transfer
  2. Copy Astar MetaMask Address
Transfer interface

3. Paste Astar Network MetaMask address and put the amount you would like to send

4. Confirm

MetaMask to Portal 🌉

Note that sending ASTR from MetaMask directly to Exchange is not recommended and the fund could be lost.

The best route will be

  1. On Portal, copy EVM address
  2. Open MetaMask, send, then paste the address you copied from Portal on MetaMask
  3. After you submitted a transaction to send ASTR from MetaMask to Portal, ASTR will be sent to EVM Deposit
  4. You will need to Withdraw EVM Deposit

5. If you do not have ASTR to pay gas fee on Portal, click Faucet to get some dust to pay the fee

6. Now, you got all the funds from EVM, you will be able to send ASTR to Exchange normally.

Provide Liquidity 💧

Create LP, no need to stake LP. $ARSW will be visible around February and transferable included listed on March.

  1. Head to , approve the site on MetaMask
  2. Swapping ASTR to wASTR (native ASTR is not supported)
  3. Swap wASTR to another token you want to create a pair
  4. Click Pool
  5. Provide Liquidity
  6. Done!

