FAQ: Starlay Finance

3 min readMar 17, 2022

1. How to Deposit and Withdraw on Starlay💫

You can refer to this video on How to Deposit and Withdraw on Starlay dApp

However, if you do not have assets on Astar Network, you can bridge using Celer Bridge which is the only bridge Starlay and most dApp on Astar Network supports.

Or, if you already bought $ASTR on Exchange, you can transfer to Portal by downloading polkadot. js extension and head over to https://portal.astar.network/ then deposit ASTR using Native address

After, you did deposit, you can follow the video tutorials below on how to transfer ASTR to MetaMask

Lastly, after you transferred ASTR to MetaMask, you can either deposit ASTR directly on Starlay, or if you prefer other assets you can swap ASTR to wASTR on Arthswap then to the asset you would like to deposit.


The available token to Deposit and Borrow can be found here.

2. My transaction is stuck, what should I do ? 🥶

This included Deposit, Withdraw, Borrow, Repay, or any transaction on Starlay.

First, you may try clearing Cache, refresh the page, open new tab or restart your pc to solve the issue.

However, if the solutions I mentioned did not solve your issue. You will need to Reset the Account.

Note: By resetting an account does not mean your account will be deleted, but only transaction will be deleted

By doing so, head over to MetaMask Extension

Settings -> Advanced -> Reset Account.

Then retry the process again.

3. Is there a risk of Borrowing ? ⛔

Yes, this is no risk dApp. There are risk e.g. Liquidation, Health Factor

To put it simply. you should not let Health Factor went below 1. If the Health Factor went below 1, your position will be liquidated.

For more information, please refer to this document.

4. I had connected to Astar Network MetMask before and did make transaction but now I can’t. What Should I do? 🤦‍♂️

This could be because you did connect to the old Custom RPC

Network: Astar
RPC: https://rpc.astar.network:8545/
Chain ID: 592
Symbol: ASTR
Explorer: https://blockscout.com/astar

5. Will Starlay do an IDO?

Of course, Starlay will do an IDO on Arthswap and allocate 10% of supply to it

More info can be found here

Enjoy Starlay Life 🌟

